Souls of Two Bushido Warriors-A Story Sparring match Love vs ✅ Doc Samurai Sam Round #1

3 min readOct 12, 2023

Join in on the Story Sparring Match! Round 1

Digital Art by Author, Love

In the hallowed training grounds under a full moon, two warriors stood, embodying the essence of true Bushido.

Their spirits burned with unwavering resolve, and their every movement, a testament to discipline and honor. They are one with purpose.

With swords drawn and unsheathed, gleaming in the moonlight, they faced each other with deep respect. Their eyes locked, reflecting the unyielding determination that resided within their souls. The air was thick with anticipation as they prepared to engage in a dance of skill and valor.

The first warrior, swift and agile, moved with the grace of a predator. She strikes precisely, guided by years of training and honed instincts. She weaved through the air, her blade gliding effortlessly, seeking openings with calculated precision. She has no emotion, as pain was her solace.

The second warrior, sturdy and unwavering, stood his ground with resolute strength. His movements were deliberate; each strike was a testament to his unyielding spirit. He blocked, he parried, and countered with a steadfast resolve, his sword an extension of his very being. He was her shadow warrior, born from another realm to protect her…




Interconnectedness is a fundamental principle of the universe. It is referred to as "Oneness." Let's connect thru love and BE the change needed in this world.