My Mother’s Letters

3 min readMay 30, 2023

What my mother left me to find…note #1

To understand a person-must know what his life was the moment he was born. What experiences and lessons, from parents, friends, and others. To understand how he conducts his life later, like how he treats family, how he reacts to adverse circumstances,”

My Mother’s Letters and Notes, these are pictures of mom and dad with me, back in 1967.

My mom passed in 2010. She was born in the 40’s in Honolulu, Hawaii.

I left home when I was 14, believing that she was every reason why I left home.

I saw Mom in 2009, a year before she passed.

I saw the yearning in her eyes for a friendship only a Mother and daughter could share. For in a few days with her, I was able to understand her better as I was more mature and had my life’s challenges.

She hugged me as I left her porch as she whispered into my ear.

“Thank you for saving me”.

My Mom, Gloria Parinas 1970's

If you only read this article up to this line...

Make every effort to see your parents. If that’s the only takeaway from my sharing.

Do it now. Especially during the holidays.




Interconnectedness is a fundamental principle of the universe. It is referred to as "Oneness." Let's connect thru love and BE the change needed in this world.