My pen name, Love, was inspired by a near-death experience I had on Thanksgiving 2020 that profoundly altered my life. Shortly thereafter, I felt the turmoil within other people's lives and their emotions and became dedicated to writing stories about Love as well as the universe's fundamental principle of - "Oneness."

My Educational Background: I possess a Ph.D in Healthcare Administration as well as two Master degrees: one in Business Administration and another in Human Resources.

My family roots: I am Hawaiian, Filipino, Portuguese, German and Japanese by origin. Previously, I resided in Hawaii, Cebu Philippines, New Jersey California before making Alaska my new home.

My Professional career: I started as a nurse, then became a federal agent with Homeland Security soon after 9/11. After my eldest son passed away in 2006, my career priorities changed, and its been over 30 years as Head of Human Resources managing up to 25k employees.

Which niches am I interested in reading: Fantasy/Science Fiction, Asian Folklore and Mythology, Filipino Folklore and Mythology, LitRPG, Horror, Poetry, and Love stories, of course, love stories, and our individual life journeys fascinate me - each person experiences life differently.

I also began cooking when I was five, I am an enthusiastic foodie who enjoys sharing stories, recipes, and experiences about culinary history and practice.

As an author, my goal is to write stories that transcend reality through writing. I hope to transport you to an alternate reality where dreams dance freely and love endures for eternity.

After recently taking up photography, I became excited by its potential to teach me even more as an artist and learn. My aim is to use photography's powerful lens to capture fleeting moments in time that give hope for enduring love, connection, and survival in this lifetime.

My writing cadence: I manage my own small business based in Alaska. I am able to publish on weeknights and weekends.

So let me apologize in advance for not writing daily or weekly; eventually I hope to retire and write full-time as I am now self-employed and need financial stability to curate more stories. However, I will try and respond when I can.

My Medium goals:

I started to write about the signs I had started to receive soon after my son, Justin's, passing. It took me a year to hit the "publish" button. However, after reading about everyone's experience about death and dying, I decided to start to publish the hundreds, possibly thousands, signs that I received in the past 16 years to hopefully share my experience in hopes that I can help and support anyone who is grieving about the loss of a loved one.

My true calling came soon after my near-death experience in 2020. I started to feel other people's emotions, so I sincerely wanted to help others connect and feel that there is still a supportive and loving community regardless of where we are physically. I needed to become the change and provide hope to others. This is every reason I chose the pen name "Love", as that was all I felt during my near-death experience and I wanted to share the same with you. I know in my heart that communicating through love would provide the healing this world needs.

One day, I shall hopefully connect with every Medium author and reader and forge lasting, lifelong connections.

I hope to one day retire and write full time, possibly starting a book series.

I really do hope you enjoy my stories, blogs, and articles. I do enjoy all your stories; I feel like a kid in a toy store every time I am on this platform.

If you need to reach me: My Email:

My name is Dr. Kathleen Genevieve Duterte

Company website: (If you are ever interested in freelance coaching or teaching others your skills, please reach out to me.)

Medium member since August 2024
Friend of Medium since August 2024
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Interconnectedness is a fundamental principle of the universe. It is referred to as "Oneness." Let's connect thru love and BE the change needed in this world.